Transport engineering aims to ensure the safe and efficient movement of people and goods. It's the design that keeps everything moving.
Ghafari has successfully engineered transportation solutions for clients in both the public and private sectors. To assure reasonable project costs, we stay abreast of the latest technologies and design trends in managing transportation projects.
Because we also must use the region's transportation systems, Ghafari is acutely aware of the importance of highway safety and traffic control. We continually seek new and innovative ways to resolve transportation issues in projects that focus on community recreational areas, office parks, schools, churches, factories and shopping centers.
Often, Ghafari prepares general analyses geared to traffic improvement or concurrency. Growth Management calls for infrastructure upgrade that is concurrent with the anticipated impacts of new developments and future expansion. However, there are many examples of developments where traffic causes negative impact - major backups and unsafe driving conditions - on vital arterial roadways and within these developments. With Ghafari assistance, clients are assured that practical, farsighted transportation solutions will be presented.