Hydrology, Hydraulic & Surface Water

Hydrology, Hydraulic & Surface Water

Hydrology, Hydraulic & Surface Water

The management and enhancement of water resources is an essential component of community development. From estimating the amount of water available to designing the physical and non-physical infrastructure needed to meet water needs, our professionals seek the best solutions for public and private sector clients.

Ghafari has a reputation for developing efficient and practical solutions while maintaining well-established relationships with permitting agencies. Our staff of hydrologists, environmental engineers and economists all work together to accomplish cost-effective solutions.

Our role is to provide the tools and human capital to help communities design, fund and establish or improve upon flood control, stormwater management, water quality and water supply and routing.

Our Water Resource Management Capabilities

  • Surface Water Hydrology
  • Stormwater Management
  • Hydraulic Modeling
  • Floodplain Studies
  • NPDES Permitting
  • Underground Facilities
  • Environmental Resource Permitting
  • SWFWMD inspection
  • SJRWMD inspection
  • SFWMD inspection


Fletcher Center

North America / Hydrology, Hydraulic & Surface Water

Conerton Court Adult Living Facility

North America / Hydrology, Hydraulic & Surface Water

Lake Chapman Plaza

North America / Hydrology, Hydraulic & Surface Water

Exhibit Services

North America / Hydrology, Hydraulic & Surface Water

Deltona Meeting House

North America / Hydrology, Hydraulic & Surface Water

Education City Golf Course

Middle East / Hydrology, Hydraulic & Surface Water